Good morning!
The troop 648 backpackers are back from an exhilarating weekend under the bright moon and glorious stars in the crisp air outside of Camp Verde. We clambered over rocks and through bushes on an unmaintained Towel Creek trail to get to our destination of Towel Springs – gorgeous canopy trees covering a babbling brook coming from the spring. Along the trail, as usual, the adults were the ones often learning the best lesson. At one point, one of our younger hikers discovered that the sole had separated from his boot, completely leaving his own foot’s sole exposed to the elements, two miles in to our trip over very rough terrain. As the adults huddled around, assessing the situation and the resources we had available to rectify the situation, we neglected some key areas. While working our way through our inventory of items to repair the boot: straps, zipties, duct tape, etc. we were bemoaning the lack of the sailing needle that was in Mr. Turner’s office drawer back home.  Ironically, we were also literally in the shadow of Needle Rock, in our wanting of a needle.  After many minutes of analysis, the lesson learned, however, was to ask the simplest questions first – just like in performing first aid. One of the boys casually asked our intrepid hiker if he didn’t have another pair of shoes, and our floppy booted scout acknowledged that he supposed it would be OK if he wore his tennis shoes on the trail, which just happened to be securely buried deep in his pack. Lesson learned for Mr. Cole – if you need something specific (like another pair of shoes) – ask for it first, before searching for alternatives!
In the incredible news for the week department, hot on the heels of the Runbergs, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are now the proud parents of a 6 lb 3 ½ ounce, 19 inch bundle of joy. She is going to be a great camper, as she greeted her first day on earth at 4 in the morning. Many congratulations to the Bennetts, who are looking amazingly fresh and bright eyed in the photos I saw – if only that will continue for the foreseeable future!
Tomorrow night is the troop meeting, and Mr. Butler’s final Citizenship in the Community merit badge class ahead of it. We also have a deadline approaching for summer camp – please be finalizing the merit badges you would like to select for Camp Alexander. The list is due to Mr. Benyi on April 1st. Each patrol should also have a theme for their auction basket, and have begun planning for the items which they would like to include. Mr. Parizek gave his sales pitch last Tuesday on how to sell 25+ pancake breakfast tickets, and then provided the additional incentive of a personally cooked steak dinner for each scout exceeding that goal. As someone who has been a beneficiary of Mr. Parizek’s steak dinners in the past, I can guarantee you that you do not want to miss this opportunity. Please pick up your desired amount of pancake breakfast tickets tomorrow night. We will have just over a month before the April 27th breakfast and auction in order to sell, sell, sell! Keep in mind that one weekend will be our April outing as we break out the troop canoes for a Verde River float beginning April 12th. And this weekend is Easter weekend – so plan your sales strategy accordingly.
As we begin Holy Week, I pray that your family is truly blessed through the many gifts we have been given through our faith, and in living in this great nation which allows us to observe that faith. Happy Easter.
See you tomorrow night!
Mr. Cole