neither wind, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail….

Troop 648,


Why do I have to miss out on the good outings like Mayer is what I was asking myself after welcoming the troop home at the Blessed Sacrament parking lot this afternoon.  The troops started rolling in around 1:30 and were none the worse for wear but easy for me to say.  We had fourteen brave scouts and five adventuresome adults head to the high country south of Mayer on Friday afternoon.  If you recall, we went to Mayer in October 2012 and had a most wonderful outing even though the temperatures dropped to the low teens Saturday night.  Well not to be undone it sounds as if this trip saw temperatures get awfully close to single digits on Friday night.  But with an infamous Mr. Traynor bonfire to keep everyone thawed there was no real damage done to flesh or bone.  The weekend had scouts advancing working on Wilderness Survival Skills with Mr. Conrad and generally enjoying the wonderful setting.  Similar to a year earlier, the scouts had to lend some muscle pushing vehicles up the steep and slippery forest service roads  as the troop headed back to the blacktop in Mayer.  A special shoutout to Mr. Traynor for leading the effort and thanks to Mr. Gingrich, Mr. Parizek, Mr. Conrad and Mr. Benyi for rounding out the leadership crew.   Also, thanks to the Mr. Kramer the younger and Mr. DeAngelis the youngest for showing their flexibility even thought this wasn’t the outing they signed up for since their wasn’t enough snow for snowshoeing, which is now scheduled for March.   Just so you now, one of our newer scouts, Mr. McFetters the youngest went on the outing and stuck it out through the cold.  Instead of staying home where it was nice and cozy, this fine young man decided to brave the elements as part of the Turtles Patrol!  It is young men like this that makes us all proud to be associated with Troop 648.


Looking ahead, we have our monthly adult leader meeting tomorrow (Monday) night at the Scottsdale Worship Center starting at 7 pm.


On Tuesday night at our regular troop meeting we have the Iron Chef cook-off taking place.  Patrol Leaders (Mr. DeAngelis, Mr. Demski and Mr. Turner) need to follow through with  those responsible for bringing the food.   PLs should use the Roster contact list on the troop website to access adult emails and phone numbers and reach out no later than Monday night so we can have a successful cook off on Tuesday night!


Thanks!  Mr. Turner