Below is a message from Michael H. regarding his Eagle Project building a beaver fence at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area (put 2439 S. Central into your phone for directions). Â Please contact Mr. Turner via email if you need a ride from Blessed Sacrament and I’ll coordinate with the adult leaders to ensure we have transportation. Â Let’s have another good showing from T648 as we support Michael on his Eagle Project in this worthy cause of habitat restoration!
On Saturday morning I am planning on having the scouts meet at the project area at 8:30 AM on Saturday. The address is 2439 S Central Ave, and we will not be bringing any cars down into the area except for the one carrying wood. This means everyone must park in the parking lot, luckily it is not that far away. I have attached a photo map (see below) that shows where our main base would be, the only way to get to it is through the side road that starts in the parking lot. Be sure to bring a canteen since we will have refillable water jugs and not disposable water bottles, a rain coat, gloves, boots and sunscreen. Also if you can bring any post hole diggers, spades, or shovels. (It might rain but we can tough that out).
Michael H.