7 days – 2 Eagle Projects

Hello T648,


What a great week for Troop 648!  Last Sunday we had a fantastic turnout for Kyle M’s Eagle Project at Miracle League of Arizona.  And this morning the threat of rain couldn’t stop this great group of scouts and adults from doing the same for Michael H. at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area.


Two very different projects that show the diversity of our Troop.  Kyle’s project being an outreach and education effort around the wonderful service provided by MLAZ by giving all kids an opportunity to play baseball on a  special-purpose field.   Adults, scouts, visitors and even some of the MLAZ athletes were there to take some swings at the ball, run the bases and have a hot dog or two!  I heard more than one person say that they would be back to MLAZ as a volunteer now that they understand more about this great program (www.mlaz.org).

Michael’s project was centered around habitat restoration in South Central Phoenix just west of Sky Harbor.  While we didn’t see any beavers (not very active during the day), their felled trees were all around the lower pond.  Michael H. oversaw the installation of 100 foot of split-rail fence and 3 foot of wire fencing to keep the wide-tailed vandals from getting at the cottonwoods around the upper pond.  One hard rain right before lunch didn’t stop the fencing effort with things wrapping up at 2 pm.  Hard to believe there are beautiful wetlands right in the middle of our most dense urban area off of South Central Ave (http://phoenix.gov/recreation/rec/parks/preserves/locations/riosalado/index.html).


Hats off to all of you who continue to support the Troop as your very own make progress toward their Eagle rank and a job well done by Kyle and Michael!

Mr. Turner