Wow! I’m still charged up about last week. Seeing all those feathers in one place last week makes me thrilled to see how scouting is alive and well in the Four Peaks District of our Grand Canyon Council of BSA. There were 14 Eagle boards in our district Thursday night, and we were extremely well represented with the excellent boards turned in by our own Mr. Harness and Mr. Martin. Congratulations gentlemen on a significant personal achievement, and we look forward in anticipation to your future as leaders in our community and in scouting.
In between final scrambles for AIMs testing, tax deadlines and Easter preparation, we have lots of scouting to do. Many thanks to young Mr. Demski and all of his well- mannered teams for the contributions to the weekly Knights of Columbus fish fries, culminating with our final excellent service project completed last Friday night. Tomorrow night we will have a 6PM Cooking merit badge class kickoff at the church facilitated by Mr. Parizek, followed by the troop meeting at 7PM. The meeting will include everything you ever wanted to know about flag calling – I am confident that we will be the best troop to raise the flag this coming summer at Camp Geronimo! We will also do some planning for our themed auction baskets for May 3rd. Hopefully many of you are already using Mr. Parizek’s top salesmen techniques and incentives to sell, sell, sell you allotment of tickets. Keep in mind that a mere 25 tickets puts you into the awesome steak dinner award!
We also have a request from our quartermasters. We are looking to replace tires on the troop canoe trailer, and are also interested in saving a buck or two in the process. Do any of you have a contact or relative in the retail tire business that would be willing to help a boy scout troop with wholesale or discounted tires?
Please be planning to attend our Tonto Creek Base Camp outing the weekend of April 25-27. The weather cannot be more gorgeous – it is a terrific time of year to be exploring the great Arizona out-of-doors.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a blessed holy week, and a Happy Easter! See you at the troop meeting.
Mr. Cole