Committee Meeting & June Dates


Congrats to all on what has hopefully been a successful school year with a great summer ahead. There are a number of dates to make note of in this first part of June.

  • June 3 – At 7pm, we will have our usual, quarterly Troop Committee and Parent Meeting. We will be in the classroom adjacent to the normal troop meeting room. All interested parents are invited to attend. (You don’t need to be a “formal” member of the committee!) We will begin with the Troop Committee business and updates for the first half of the meeting, and then I will reserve a block of time at the end to address parent questions about summer camp. Feel free to bring your son over for the CPR class that night, and then join us for the parent meeting.
  • June 10 – Our summer Court of Honor will be held in the Social Hall (at the east end down by the stage.) – We have a number of advancements and merit badges to recognize; please come to the event and applaud the successes of our great scouts!
  • June 14-21 – Camp GeronimoPlease make sure that you are getting your annual physicals completed; we are still missing several. The form is available on the website if you need one.
  • June 17 – NO TROOP MEETING – Since the majority of the group will be at summer camp, we will not be meeting on the 17th. We will miss those of you not joining us at camp and will see you on the 24th when we return.

Also: Thanks to Mr. Parizek for the fine accounting at the Pancake Breakfast; based on the final numbers, I have updated the Scout Accounts which are now posted on the website. (I will also have copies at the Committee Meeting as well.)


Mr. Benyi