Hello Troop 648:
As mentioned in the Troop meeting on Tuesday, Blessed Sacrament has an opportunity for service hours that involve moving and loading cases of water from tables inside the church to a vehicle in the parking lot.  This water is being donated by the church members and will be delivered to local charities during the summer.  You will also pass out some coupons to those that donate.
The church is serving a treat each day and you would be able to partake – I think the treats this week are root beer floats.  One shift will be about 30-60 minutes and you can work multiple shifts if you would like.  Following are the available service days and times.  Please arrive 1/2 hour before the service time.  Look for any of the tables set-up including one that should be near the entrance to the main worship hall.  Class A uniform required.
Saturday, July 26th – 4:00pm
Sunday, July 27th – 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:00pm
If you participate, thank you and please be sure to let me know. Â There is no maximum to the number of scouts that can participate during any shift.
Mr. McFetters