Follow the Star and Dirty Chuckboxes

Hello Troop 648

It was a busy weekend for our Troop.  On Friday night, 5 scouts participated in a service project for Chaparral Christian Church and in support of their Christmas story performance – Follow the Star. Our scouts provided assistance in setting up luminarias and set-up and tended to a few parking lot camp fires.  It was a great event and with the support of a couple adults, we provided nearly 20 man hours of help!  Great job scouts!

Waiting for the sun to go down before we set up the camp fires

CCC Follow the Light

On Saturday morning, a few scouts lent their support to Zach Harper and Harry Kramer as they completed their Life Service Troop project.  The project entailed cleaning the patrol chuckboxes and clearing out the excess or worn down gear.  A scout is ‘clean’ was the day’s theme!  Look for a message coming soon with some kitchen gear requests.  Nice job by the scouts to get the chuckboxes clean enough to eat out of!

Chuckbox cleaning

See you Tuesday night!

Scoutmaster T648