Holiday Meeting Schedule and Troop News

Hello Troop 648

The following will provide you with some troop news.

1. Holiday Schedule

The holidays are here!  As a reminder, we will NOT be meeting on Tuesday, December 23 and Tuesday, December 30th.  Our NEXT meeting will be January 6th.  Jan 6th will also be a PLC meeting. The following Scouts volunteered to lead a meeting during January. Please refer to your packet for the meeting plan and game description. If you have any questions, please email or call me. Lead Scout is listed first, back-up is listed second. The theme this month, Winter Camping, works well as we have planned a winter camp outing for Jan 23-25.

Jan 6 – Harry/Cullen

Jan 13 – Alex Demski/Kevin

Jan 20 – Zach Harper/Reese

Jan 27 – James/David

2. Blessed Sacrament Rummage Sale Service Project

We will be helping the church with their Rummage Sale on Saturday, January 17th. Additional information and sign-ups will be forthcoming, but please SAVE THE DATE!

3. I am thinking about hosting a ‘requirements’ meeting on Tuesday, December 30th at our house.  This would be an opportunity for any scout working toward Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and/or First Class ranks to work on and get signed off on a number of requirements. If any scout is interested and/or if any adult is interested in helping, please call or email me.

Have a blessed and safe holiday season with family and friends.

Scoutmaster T648

Not exactly a scene from Scottsdale, but thought it was beautiful anyway!
