Hello Troop 648
A couple announcements:
- This Saturday, April 1st, Cameron Copley will be having a Rummage Sale to help fund his Eagle Scout project. Cameron is looking for volunteers (Scouts and Adults) to set up the day before – Friday, March 31st starting at 4:00pm. (Rumor has that Pastor Kevin might supply pizza for those who can help!). Cameron will also need help on Saturday, April 1st to help run the sale. The sale will start at 7am, so please be sure to arrive by 6:15am to help set-up. The sale will end at noon with clean-up schedule immediately after. Please come out Friday and Saturday to help! If your Scout needs service hours, let me know.
- Also, Cameron is looking for DONATIONS! Please donate your gently used items (no clothing please). You can bring them to tonight’s meeting.
- As a reminder, Cameron’s Eagle Scout project will benefit Chaparral Christian Church!
- Tonight’s meeting will be a rank and merit badge ADVANCEMENT meeting. Please remind your scout to bring his Scout book or Merit Badge worksheet/requirement info. We are also planning a Totin’ Chip session for our new scouts. This is a GREAT opportunity for your scout to jumpstart their advancement.
See you tonight!
Scoutmaster T648