Hello Troop 648

I hope your week is going well. We had a busy meeting last night and a fair amount of rank advancement, so good job Scouts.

Now, we need your help. We have a final list of tasks that need to be completed for Nick Murphy’s Eagle Scout project at Chaparral Christian Church. This list must be completed on Saturday, November 18th, starting at 7am, so that the church can be ready for Sunday service and their children’s program.

We are looking for a handful of adults to help us finish with final painting, some touch-up and clean-up. Many hands will make light work, but it’s crucial we get some help.

If you are able and willing, please call (602) 793-1058 or email me – dmcfetters@gmail.com by Thursday (Nov 16), end of day. Nick has done a fantastic job leading this project, but we need help to push it over the finish line. This has been a very important project for Nick, the troop and our Charter Org, so please help if you can.


Scoutmaster T648