Personal Management Merit Badge 2/27 6PM


Once your days of being in Troop 648 are over, you will have learned a ton of important life skills – first aid, cooking, camping, and more! As an adult, you may never use these skills to save a life, you may discover that restaurants are the place to go to get cooked food, and your wife’s idea of camping may be in a Hilton. However, I can guarantee that you will have plenty of opportunities to use personal management to save yourself time and money (especially if you are spending lots of time in restaurants and Hiltons!) As mentioned during the past two troop meetings, this year’s Personal Management Merit Badge session will kick off next Tuesday night at 6PM in the troop room ahead of the troop meeting. You don’t need the book to begin, but if you plan to take the badge, I’d recommend two things: buy the book, and be old enough to have some sort of semi-regular income to manage (jobs at home, allowance, regular gifts all qualify). One of the key tasks will be to build a three month budget, and then track all income and out-goes during the entire quarter. We hold these every year, so if this is not the year for you – next year may be. The merit badge is a long one, but a good one, and one you will use the rest of your life!

Here also is a link to the worksheet, which will give you an idea what you will learn, and be your guide throughout the merit badge.

Hope to see you Tuesday night at 6:00PM

Mr. Cole