We are all living in an interesting time and as many of you likely saw earlier this week, recommendations were made to close the council offices for the rest of the month and to postpone in-person district and council events through May 15th. Following the closure of schools the recommendation was made for units to discontinue meetings as well. With that said, our Scouts and Scout families need our support now more than ever. We invite you to visit the Pinnacle Peak Facebook page “Pinnacle Peak BSA†where our District Commissioner, Adrionna Hatfield, and Commissioner team have been posting ideas on how you and your Scouts can continue Scouting. Here is a small sample of resources shared on the council website, for Cub Scouts and for Scouts BSA Troops. We also want to invite you to visit our District Webpage at https://grandcanyonbsa.wixsite.com/pinnaclepeak.
As we are facing many changes, your district team has been active in making sure that we have ways to support each and every one of you. Even while the Council Offices are closed, Scouting is not, and the District is not. Sometimes we simply need to hear from you to know what we can best do to support you. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. See our District Team main contacts below.
District Chair, Chris Smith, Chair.PP@ChrisMSmith.com
District Commissioner, Adrionna Hatfield, adrionnabf@gmail.com
District Membership & Relations Chair, Nigel Matson, nmatson@att.net
District Program Chair, Kevin Joy, kevintjoy@gmail.com
District Fund Development Chair, Mike Ferrar, MikeF.scouts@gmail.com
District Advancement Chair: Brian Flynn, imirish3@cox.net
District Training Chair, Dale Lewis, delewisaz56@gmail.com
As we have met throughout the week, we have made a few changes to upcoming meetings and events. Please take a moment to review those changes below. We thank you for your continued support and hope you can join us virtually over the next few weeks and in person as we approach this fall. You will notice Eagle Boards of April have been postponed to May. During this time, our project and packet reviewers will continue working with scouts, that information can be found on our district website under the “Life to Eagle†page.
Still Happening
· April Roundtable “Fireside Chat†Thursday 4/2/2020 through Zoom at 7:00pm https://scouting.zoom.us/j/7053338076
· May Roundtable Thursday 5/7/2020 through Zoom https://zoom.us/j/114732470
o To Include Recharter and Recruitment Training
· May Eagle Boards Thursday 5/14/2020 at Cross in the Desert at 6:30pm
· Fall BALOO Training August 29-30, 2020 at Pioneer Village
· Cub Day Camp “R-Boo-C Adventure†October 3-4, 2020 at R-C Scout Ranch
· District Camporee October 23-25, 2020 at Camp Geronimo
· Fall IOLS Training October 23-25, 2020 at Camp Geronimo
· Winter Leader Specific December 5, 2020 at Cross in the Desert
· Spring BALOO Training Scheduled on 3/28-29/2020, see Fall BALOO Above
· April Eagle Boards Scheduled on 4/9/2020, see May Eagle Boards Above
· Pinewood Derby Scheduled on 4/18/2020, Rescheduling TBD
· Spring IOLS Training Scheduled on 5/16-17/2020, see Fall IOLS Above
Once again we want to thank you for your support in Scouting and your willingness to help us in offering the Scouting program at this critical time.
Yours in Scouting,
The Pinnacle Peak Key-3
Chris, Adrionna, and Matt
Matthew Hill, CNP | District Executive
Grand Canyon Council
2969 N. Greenfield Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016-7715
602-955-7747 ext. 202