Pancake Breakfast Update

I hope this update finds the entirety of the Troop 648 extended family healthy and safe. Thank you as always for your flexibility and patience as we work through short term and long term solutions for our Scouting program. Some of the Adult leaders got together to discuss options for rescheduling of the Pancake Breakfast. As the current crisis is still in flux, we did not set a firm date, but discussed potentially putting it off until the summer. That is not a definite time frame. As the current situation improves or worsens, we will shift our thoughts according – Semper Gumbi (Always flexible). If any of the Scouts have already acquired auction of raffle basket items, please hold on to those if able to. I would have them reach out to the individuals or vendors that were generous enough to donate with an update of the postponement, and a discussion if their donation can be held onto until a future date, or needs to be returned. My guess is the community will also be understanding of the circumstance. We will give more information on the date as things become more clear.

On another note, several Scouts have asked about advancement and Boards of Review and Merit Badges, etc. As many of these can be done virtually, and not in person, there are some that it is paramount that the “in-person” component be kept as is traditionally done. Any questions about that can be directed to myself, and I will try my best to answer right away and/or assist in the process.

As always in these updates I’ve asked for all of us to remember how important it is for us to continue in the Scouting way, and as a Scouting family. Please reach out to any of us if you or anyone you know in the community needs our assistance.

Mr Blair