Anyone who is interested in the Pathfinding Merit Badge, I will hold a class for it at the church Tomorrow (May 18th) at 6:00 PM (1 hour before the regular Troop meting).  This merit badge is one of the 4 Historic Merit Badges.  The Historic Merit Badges are only available this year up till the 31 of December ONLY! These Merit Badges will count towards your Eagle as a Non-Eagle required badges if earned even after December 31st.
Scouts should bring a blue card, paper and pencil to take some notes come prepared! Bring your information on requirement 2 and 6.
There is NO Merit Badge Book made for these badges, below are the requirements from the Original Merit Badge Book.
To obtain a merit badge for Pathfinding, a Scout must:
1.      In the country, know every lane, bypath, and short cut for a distance of at least two miles in every direction around the local scout headquarters; or in a city, have a general knowledge of the district within a three-mile radius of the local scout headquarters, so as to be able to guide people at any time, by day or by night.
2.      Know the population of the five principal neighboring towns, their general direction from his scout headquarters, and be able to give strangers correct directions how to reach them.
3.      If in the country, know in a two mile radius, the approximate number of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs owned on the five neighboring farms; or, in a town, know, in a half-mile radius, the location of livery stables, garages and blacksmith shops.
4.      Know the location of the nearest meat markets, bakeries, groceries, and drug stores.
5.      Know the location of the the nearest police station, hospital, doctor, fire alarm, fire hydrant, telegraph and telephone offices, and railroad stations.
6.      Know something of the history of his place; and know the location of its principal public buildings, such as the town or city hall, post-office, schools and churches.
7.      Submit a map not necessarily drawn by himself upon which he personally has indicated as much as possible of the above information.