Wouldn’t you rather be a nut?

What a truly wonderful weekend to be a scout in Sycamore Canyon!  The shooting stars were frequent and brilliant, and the canyon showed off various early fall colors as Parson Springs flowed over boulders and pooled the length of the canyon.  Walking through the riparian wildernous was exhilarating as we criss-crossed the creek six times on the way to our campsite four miles up canyon, just above the spring and under a massive wild black walnut tree.  The boys worked on water purification and fire building skills, and had a rousing game of ‘ghost’ around the fire – taking turns adding letters to ever-expanding words.  The only casualty on this most excellent adventure was one boy’s breakfast which was lost to mini-bears overnight.  Amazingly enough, as the sun rose on Sunday, there was a most definite ‘horse to the barn’ exhibition as the boys took 1/2 the time climbing out of the canyon as entering it – Mr. Benyi would have been so proud!

This past weekend there was also an excellent trip to the Musical Instrument Museum, with much hands-on engaged by the participants.  A reconnaissance trip by young Mr. Norling and support team this weekend also now has additional alternatives being considered for our November base camp.  Stay tuned for further updates, as well as for updates on the reschedule of the crime prevention merit badge with our own Mr. Conrad.  Early November is already busy, as we have PLC on the 1st, Roundtable on the 3rd, the trip to Club 33 by our honor patrol the first weekend, and the all-troop adult meeting hosted by the Martins and facilitated by Mr. Benyi on the 7th.  All parents, scouters, and interested adults are welcome – please RSVP to Mr. Benyi if you can come and participate with us in the discussion around the concept of a more formal committee framework to support our growing troop.

I continue to marvel at the young men you have brought to become a part of T648.  They are all uniquely different, and yet they discover so many commonalities through scouting as they progress through skills, badges, outings or ranks.  Their enthusiasm for life is contagious – we are blessed to have such fine young men in the troop, even when occasionally a bit nutty.  It is moments like that which make me thankful that not all of our adults have grown up either, still sleeping on the ground, boulder-hopping across creeks, trying out the gin flavor of a juniper berry or the pithy, bitter taste of a wild black walnut.  Once a boy, always a boy, when you are still a part of a troop!

See you tomorrow, and remember patrol leaders will likely have to-dos for Mr. Butler first!

Mr. Cole