A happy but exhausted Royals patrol returned from the happiest place on earth last night with dreams of perfect Southern California weather, thrilling rides, fabulous food, and early Christmas dancing in their heads as they slept during the long ride home. The Club 33 meal was exquisite – one boy was overheard to say ‘I don’t want to miss a single thing’ while asking about a strange looking dish on the buffet  (crème brulee). In as formal a setting as the most elegant high tea, our boys had an absolute ball, while at the same time maintaining the appropriate levels of decorum – you CAN dress them up and take them somewhere!  Disney was filming their Christmas Day special on Main Street and in front of the Castle, so while screaming teeny boppers frolicked in the fake snow in front of Disney stars on stage, our boys had very short lines to get to the best attractions on a gloriously crisp and sunny day. For those of you wanting to experience something similar next year – keep active in your patrol while wearing the appropriate complete uniform for our meetings and events, and your patrol might just be the one!
Tonight at 7PM is the adult meeting at the Martin house. All troop adults (parents or adult leaders and interested parties) are welcome, and no scout uniform is needed.  We will be laying out the proposed template for a troop committee, and requesting input and support for a framework more appropriate for the size of T648.  Many thanks to Jacob and the Martin family for
their efforts in developing and hosting this session.
The weekend of the 18th through the 20th we will be having a base camp at a lower elevation site where the focus will be on patrol development, hiking and individual advancement opportunities.  In other words – all the best of basic tent camping with your patrol! This would be a perfect opportunity for the majority of the troop and adult leaders to attend, and solidify cooking skills and camaraderie as patrols and as a troop. It will be just north of the valley, or at a riparian wilderness location near Wickenberg –
to be finalized by tomorrow’s meeting. Come enjoy a terrific weekend in the beautiful late fall desert with your troop!
A friendly reminder to bring your 2012 registration money to the meeting tonight, or the one tomorrow.
Mr. Cole