Upcoming Troop Events

While all of this is on the Troop calendar I thought I would send out this friendly reminder.


1.  This weekend we have nearly 20 people planning to attend the Troop’s annual ski outing at Sunrise.  The caravan will depart Blessed Sacrament promptly at 5:30 pm so please plan to arrive by 5 pm so we can load up, pay $ for food and gas and fill out the release form.  Please contact Mr. McFetters if you have any questions.

2.  Mr. Conrad will be holding the 3rd and final Communications Merit Badge Class this Tuesday, February 11th at 6 pm at Blessed Sacrament.  Those of you in the class should plan on attending and then look to start wrapping up all of the requirements ASAP.

3.  Mr. Clapp has graciously offered to teach the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Class starting February 18th at Blessed Sacrament from 6 – 7 pm before our regular Troop meeting. Offered to First Class and above this is an Eagle Required Merit Badge so those of you eligible should attend.

4.  And last but not least note that our Winter Court of Honor will be held at Blessed Sacrament Social Hall on February 25th from 6:30 – 8 pm.  Everyone is invited; parents, families, friends! Lets recognize our Scouts’ great accomplishments!  I will have more details in the next couple of weeks but please plan on attending if you can!



Mr. Turner